Intrepid in Data - Advanced Particle Physics

A Challenge from My Colleague

During my time on-site at Intrepid Creative, a commercial marketing agency, my colleague Tim Kwong wanted to do an artistic exploration succeeding our efforts in the particle physics from Visa’s Analytics Platform project. An ode to Maxim Zhestkov’s installations, this project is a study on variable particle density, or “stickiness” and “attractiveness,” and was entirely achieved in Blender. The real challenge was not to recreate the look, but to see how Blender as a program could chalk up to Houdini in the world of particle physics.

Particle Attraction

An explanation to creating this simulation would be too mathematical for this page, so here’s the conceptual breakdown: creating unique particle behavior goes beyond the baseline behaviors of gaseous, liquid, and flame forms. There are also non-newtonian approaches, such as this example. Particles in this study are attracted to each other within a certain pocket distance, allowing the clumping seen in these stills. The motion is simultaneously motivated by a force field that guides the particles around the bounding shape of the Intrepid Creative logo.




Froggy Car